jeudi 30 octobre 2008

Strategic Plan to increase your B2B sales in EMEA

Strategic Plan to increase your B2B sales in Europe - MEDIA markets


The goal is to increase the income from France of around 30% in one year.

The plan I am offering you is not exhaustive, and this is a first approach.
This plan is to get established for one year, first.
But you will find at the end of this offer some numbers which could show you the future perspective.


I work in your company in the xxx to prepare the tools to put in place an offensive plan to increase the sales in France, and if you need in others countries.
The goal is to find the right resellers and also to be directly in touch with the interesting potential clients.

Commercial files

The file of prospects is the heart of the sales.

I have to establish a file of the regular clients of this market.
Names, companies, phones, email address.
Around 2000 for France.
With an appropriate software as “File Maker pro”.


I have to put in place some Power point and PDF presentation in French.
Including images, and perhaps some video demos of the different products of the xxx range.


Perhaps it could be interesting to put in place a French web site, this web site would be a brief online resume of the official xxx web site.

I have to create a special Monthly newsletter in French, this newsletter will be informative, and not sales oriented.
We will send it to the prospects base, by email.

As an option, We could also create a RSS feeds, some viral video..etc.

Open days

These open days (2 days) will be in Paris in a prestigious place as a business center, a special house like a castle, or a hotel.
We will have the possibility to invite French prospects, potential or existing resellers, partners, and particularly the press.

We will find a special name for these open days, for example “ XXX Open doors”.
or whatever you like.

At these open days we will take a special attention to the potential french key accounts, as TVs, or major actors in the broadcast french market.

Every two quarters we will continue to organize these open days, and perhaps we could transform these open days in a European road show.

The key point of these operations is to do noise about XXX, indirectly to get articles in the press, to get technical feedback and to have a very good opportunity to call the French potential users.

The different new products will be shown and demonstrated by XXX operators, and the companies who will be our partners will be able to demonstrate some of their complementary products i.e. cameras etc. (XX?YY?, etc.)

We will do images and video during these open days to get material for our future marketing.


During the open days, after 5pm, we will organise workshops, oriented to the major prospects on the different XXX products.
This is necessary for the prospects to touch and to use the products even for a short moment.
During these workshops we could do a kind of “short training” which the duration will not exceed a quarter of an hour.


I have in mind to find two resellers for the french territory for all the XXX range of products.
Not one because this is dangerous, not three because this is too much and the margin of our resellers could go down, because of the inter-competition. And one of the goal is to motivate the resellers because of the margin they get. The French market today is not extensive and we need a solid foundation and a keen control of our resellers.

But, this approach is under conditions and commitments. To be defined.
For example the reseller’s participation to the cost of the open days every two quarters, and/or a weekly reporting.and/or their participation to the cost of the marketing tools like the open days invitations…etc.

Chronos and Means

To realize this kind of action plan, I need between 2 and 3 months.

First of all I have to get a good understanding of all the product range of XXX.
I think it will take me around 1 or 2 weeks. To get demos, to speak a little with the R&D teams. And to see the products in a real environment.

Second step, I have to use a software to check and to enter all the French contacts, you already have and which I have. It seems to me I could do that in one week, perhaps less. (Names, company, phone, email address, this is the minimum).

I have to find two trainees able to call with me all these French contacts, and I have to train them. I put in place a temporary call center.

At the same time, I have to do the content of the on-line French documentation, that includes : the French web site, the first newsletter and the pdf documents. And also a special “folder” for the press.

Perhaps we could install a “green phone number” especially for France. A kind of commercial hot line.

Then, we have to decide the date of the open days, we must call the prospects/clients to invite them minimum 2 and a half months before these dates.

After that, we will call the invited prospects/clients, press, partners, etc. every day until the end of the open days.

Five weeks before the open days we have to create a print invitation, and another one in pdf, this last one would be downloadable from the official XXX web site and also from the French web site.

Three weeks before we have to send by post the invitations, there will be between 300 and 600.

Three days after the invitation has been sent, we have to call all these companies and guys, to know if their got it.
It will take us around 1 week and a half.

One week before the open days we have to call again the person we have invited to remind them the date of the open days, and to check if they will come or not.
If they do, we will make an appointment with them : which products? which day? which hour? who?

Two days before the open days we will have to do the same, until the end of the open days. That means that during the open days we continue to call.

At the same time, our existing resellers could do the same, to invite prospects/clients.
We will sell them a number of print invitation for their own contacts.


The cost of one of these operations :

One Manager of the operation during three months. ?

Two trainees/employees speaking French during 3 months. In France 3000 euros
(I can do the phoning alone, but it will take more time)

Two operators during three days in Paris. 1000 euros
Hotel, Parking, Meals,

Renting of a big car for the transportation of the hardware, 800 euros
from the UK office to Paris.

Renting of a room for the open days in Paris. 1000 euros

Electronic documents in french : 1000 euros

Web site in french : 1000 euros

1000 printed invitation including conception : 1500 euros

This pricing is a maximum pricing


This is a first approach for this kind of operation, without details.
To minimize the cost we can do several open days in Europe, as a roadshow, But perhaps after we have done one in Paris, as a test, we can see the results.

06 17 77 11 62

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